Pokémon New Emerald [HACK] GBA ROM

Free Download Game Pokémon New Emerald [HACK] GBA ROM

Name : Pokémon New Emerald
Type : Adventure, RPG
Platform : GBA
Status : Complete
Size : 7 Mb
Language : English

Features : 

-Base of the Pokémon updated to the 7th generation.
- Changed all levels and wild pokémons, so that all 386 are capturing.
-New repellent system where the game asks if you want to use the repellent again and which to use when the repellent effect ends.
Run inside the houses.
- Some Tms have been changed and are now reusable.
-Pokémons are born on level 1.
-A few color palettes have been changed to slightly diversify the look.
-All the sprites and icons of the Pokémon have changed.
-A few coaches have been changed to diversify the battles.
- Pokémon that evolved for exchange, now, evolve by level or stone of evolution.
> Applied to engine improvement which includes:
-Separate movements between physical, special and status.
-Action of the fairy type and removed the resistances that the steel type has on ghost and nocturnal.
-All movements up to the 6th generation. (Some animations are missing)
-All skills up to the 6th generation.
- Calculation of damage and status as the 6th generation.
-Effects of items updated according to the 6th generation.
-Battles against wild Pokémon in double.
-Events increase EV.
-Experience updated according to the 6th generation: Pokémon that participate in battles gain 100% of experience, the others of the team gain 50% if owning Exp. Share; Experience when capturing the pokémon.


Link Download Game Pokémon New Emerald [HACK] GBA ROM

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