Name: Pokemon Nova Sun
Remake From: Pokemon Sun
Remake by: Dio Vento
Their main purpose is to provide a more challenging game experience while not artificially limiting the player. The premier feature of Nova Sun and Umbra Moon is the ground-up redesign of Pokémon Trainers in the world to increase the game's challenge. Every trainer in the game has been edited, and the level curve expects use of the Experience Share, which means that the player levels up very quickly. Every Pokémon in Trainers' teams has a hold item and a proper moveset. The end-game of the main story features trainers with Levels in the mid-nineties.
Nova Sun and Umbra Moon's secondary focus is inspired by Super Smash Bros. Melee's "20XX Hack Pack" which enables features for competitive players to practice and grind. In Nova Sun and Umbra Moon's Legit Build, everything obtainable is 100% legal and legitimate for real online battles or trades. In all Builds, some features are designed to make preparing competitive teams much less of a hassle. Competitive hold items are much more available, a 6IV Ditto is available through an in-game trade (holding a Destiny Knot), Eggs hatch in one cycle, and Level 100 Memento Blissey battles are available in the Battle Buffet once the main story has been beaten.
Wild Pokémon availability (in three different ways!)
Wild Pokémon hold items
Item availability in Poké Marts and from special vendors
Evolution methods for Trade Evolutions and "Level up in a specific area/version" Evolutions
And much more!
Harsher Level Curve: Balanced to the EXP Share!
All-new Trainer teams, designed from the ground up, many featuring six Pokémon!
All Captains, Kahunas, and other bosses have six Pokémon!
Every fully-evolved non-Legendary Pokémon (and Mega Evolution) will be encountered in a Trainer's team during the main story!
Totems are powered up and pack new strategies!
Post-game Memento Blisseys added to Battle Buffet in Hau'oli City!
Trainers are capable of EV Training their Pokémon!
Wild Pokémon Changes
There are four builds available of NS/UM! They only differ in Wild Pokémon availability:
Legit Build: All Wild Pokémon are 100% legit for trade and will not appear as "hacked" by any legitimacy testers. Island Scan Pokémon are available in the wild normally. Most nocturnal Pokémon are available in the day (rarer than they are at night, usually). The converse is true for diurnal Pokémon. Rare and interesting Pokémon have been moved into more common slots.
Leveled Build (Recommended!): Wild Pokémon are the same as in the Legit Build, but are leveled up to keep pace with NS/UM's harsh level curve. A quick adjustment in PKHeX (editing Met Level) will make them 100% legit.
Expanded Build: Wild Pokémon are altered so that every non-Legendary (Tapu/UB/Mythical Pokémon count as Legendary) species is available, at the same level as the Leveled Build. Legendary encounters are not changed in this or any Build. Click here to see where you can catch every Pokémon!
Lite Build: No changes to the Wild Encounter Tables of Sun and Moon were made.
All (non-Lite) Builds feature the following:
Island Scan Pokémon are available in the wild!
Rarity within areas adjusted!
Certain patches of grass are optimized for painless and early SOS EV training!
Lots more Wild Hold Items! (Even in Lite Build)
Meowth, Wimpod, Murkrow, Pikipek, and more can now hold Bottle Caps or Golden Bottle Caps in the wild! (Even in Lite Build)
Item Changes
Less useless junk in Poké Marts!
All Poké Balls and Repels are on sale for 90% off!
Sacred Ash available in addition to Revive. Revives cost much more, to discourage their use in battle (Sacred Ash is unusable during battle).
Certain healing items cost more, to balance the drastically increased money gain due to higher-level opponents.
Remake From: Pokemon Sun
Remake by: Dio Vento
Their main purpose is to provide a more challenging game experience while not artificially limiting the player. The premier feature of Nova Sun and Umbra Moon is the ground-up redesign of Pokémon Trainers in the world to increase the game's challenge. Every trainer in the game has been edited, and the level curve expects use of the Experience Share, which means that the player levels up very quickly. Every Pokémon in Trainers' teams has a hold item and a proper moveset. The end-game of the main story features trainers with Levels in the mid-nineties.
Nova Sun and Umbra Moon's secondary focus is inspired by Super Smash Bros. Melee's "20XX Hack Pack" which enables features for competitive players to practice and grind. In Nova Sun and Umbra Moon's Legit Build, everything obtainable is 100% legal and legitimate for real online battles or trades. In all Builds, some features are designed to make preparing competitive teams much less of a hassle. Competitive hold items are much more available, a 6IV Ditto is available through an in-game trade (holding a Destiny Knot), Eggs hatch in one cycle, and Level 100 Memento Blissey battles are available in the Battle Buffet once the main story has been beaten.
Wild Pokémon availability (in three different ways!)
Wild Pokémon hold items
Item availability in Poké Marts and from special vendors
Evolution methods for Trade Evolutions and "Level up in a specific area/version" Evolutions
And much more!
Harsher Level Curve: Balanced to the EXP Share!
All-new Trainer teams, designed from the ground up, many featuring six Pokémon!
All Captains, Kahunas, and other bosses have six Pokémon!
Every fully-evolved non-Legendary Pokémon (and Mega Evolution) will be encountered in a Trainer's team during the main story!
Totems are powered up and pack new strategies!
Post-game Memento Blisseys added to Battle Buffet in Hau'oli City!
Trainers are capable of EV Training their Pokémon!
Wild Pokémon Changes
There are four builds available of NS/UM! They only differ in Wild Pokémon availability:
Legit Build: All Wild Pokémon are 100% legit for trade and will not appear as "hacked" by any legitimacy testers. Island Scan Pokémon are available in the wild normally. Most nocturnal Pokémon are available in the day (rarer than they are at night, usually). The converse is true for diurnal Pokémon. Rare and interesting Pokémon have been moved into more common slots.
Leveled Build (Recommended!): Wild Pokémon are the same as in the Legit Build, but are leveled up to keep pace with NS/UM's harsh level curve. A quick adjustment in PKHeX (editing Met Level) will make them 100% legit.
Expanded Build: Wild Pokémon are altered so that every non-Legendary (Tapu/UB/Mythical Pokémon count as Legendary) species is available, at the same level as the Leveled Build. Legendary encounters are not changed in this or any Build. Click here to see where you can catch every Pokémon!
Lite Build: No changes to the Wild Encounter Tables of Sun and Moon were made.
All (non-Lite) Builds feature the following:
Island Scan Pokémon are available in the wild!
Rarity within areas adjusted!
Certain patches of grass are optimized for painless and early SOS EV training!
Lots more Wild Hold Items! (Even in Lite Build)
Meowth, Wimpod, Murkrow, Pikipek, and more can now hold Bottle Caps or Golden Bottle Caps in the wild! (Even in Lite Build)
Item Changes
Less useless junk in Poké Marts!
All Poké Balls and Repels are on sale for 90% off!
Sacred Ash available in addition to Revive. Revives cost much more, to discourage their use in battle (Sacred Ash is unusable during battle).
Certain healing items cost more, to balance the drastically increased money gain due to higher-level opponents.
Competitive consumables are available in standard Poké Marts!
Thrifty Megamart is now the go-to place to purchase competitive items like Leftovers and Life Orbs. Don't forget to grab a Discount Coupon at the door!
Konikoni's Incense Shop sells the six EV Reduction Berries. Removing unused EVs (SpA on Machamp, etc.) is a great way to passively optimize your team!
Evolution Changes
Trade Evolutions now have alternate methods. You can still evolve them through their normal trade methods.
Non-Eevee Pokémon that evolve in specific areas now have alternate methods. You can still evolve them through their normal level-up locations.
Version-based Evolutions now Evolve using the Sun or Moon Stone.
Boldore Evolves into Gigalith: Level up to 42
Charjabug Evolves into Vikavolt: Thunder Stone**
Clamperl Evolves into Gorebyss: Dawn Stone or level up while holding a Deep Sea Scale
Clamperl Evolves into Huntail: Dusk Stone or level up while holding a Deep Sea Tooth
Cosmoem Evolves into Solgaleo: Sun Stone*
Cosmoem Evolves into Lunala: Moon Stone*
Crabrawler Evolves into Crabominable: Ice Stone**
Dusclops Evolves into Dusknoir: Level up while holding a Reaper Cloth at night or knowing the move Pursuit
Electabuzz Evolves into Electivire: Level up to 45 or while holding an Electirizer
Feebas Evolves into Milotic: Level up while holding a Prism Scale or while knowing the move Attract
Graveler Evolves into Golem: Level up to 42 or while holding a Hard Stone
Graveler-A Evolves into Golem-A: Level up to 42 or while holding a Hard Stone
Gurdurr Evolves into Conkeldurr: Level up to 42 or while holding Fightinium Z
Haunter Evolves into Gengar: Level up to 36 at night or while holding an Iron Ball
Kadabra Evolves into Alakazam: Level up to 38 or while holding a Twisted Spoon
Karrablast Evolves into Escavalier: Level up to 35 or while holding a Shed Shell
Machoke Evolves into Machamp: Level up to 38 or while holding a Black Belt
Magmar Evolves into Magmortar: Level up to 45 or while holding a Magmarizer
Magneton Evolves into Magnezone: Level up knowing Magnet Rise or use a Thunder Stone**
Nosepass Evolves into Probopass: Level up knowing Discharge
Onix Evolves into Steelix: Level up to 40 or while holding a Metal Coat or Steelium Z
Phantump Evolves into Trevenant: Level up to 40 or while knowing the move Forest’s Curse
Poliwhirl Evolves into Politoed: Level up to 36 or while holding a King’s Rock
Porygon Evolves into Porygon2: Level up to 40 or while holding an Up-Grade
Porygon2 Evolves into Porygon-Z: Level up while holding a Dubious Disc, level up at Vast Poni Canyon, or level up knowing the move Hyper Beam
Pumpkaboo Evolves into Gourgeist: Level up to 40 or while knowing the move Trick-or-Treat
Rhydon Evolves into Rhyperior: Level up to 45 or while holding a Protector
Rockruff Evolves into Lycanroc-Midday: Level up to 25 during the day on Sun Version or use a Sun Stone*
Rockruff Evolves into Lycanroc-Midnight: Level up to 25 at night on Moon Version or Moon Stone*
Scyther Evolves into Scizor: Level up to 40 or while holding a Metal Coat or Steelium Z
Seadra Evolves into Kingdra: Level up to 42 or while holding a Dragon Scale or Dragonium Z
Shelmet Evolves into Accelgor: Level up to 35 while holding a Focus Sash
Slowpoke Evolves into Slowking: Use a Shiny Stone or level up or while holding a King’s Rock
Spritzee Evolves into Aromatisse: Level up while holding a Sachet or knowing the move Aromatherapy
Swirlix Evolves into Slurpuff: Level up while holding a Whipped Dream or knowing the move Aromatherapy
* This Pokémon will be illegal until it reaches its normal Evolution level, at which point it will be 100% legit again.
** This Pokémon will be illegal if it hasn't been leveled up at all before using the Stone; leveling it up will make it 100% legit again (assuming use of the Legit or Lite Builds).
Download Pokemon Nova Sun
Thrifty Megamart is now the go-to place to purchase competitive items like Leftovers and Life Orbs. Don't forget to grab a Discount Coupon at the door!
Konikoni's Incense Shop sells the six EV Reduction Berries. Removing unused EVs (SpA on Machamp, etc.) is a great way to passively optimize your team!
Evolution Changes
Trade Evolutions now have alternate methods. You can still evolve them through their normal trade methods.
Non-Eevee Pokémon that evolve in specific areas now have alternate methods. You can still evolve them through their normal level-up locations.
Version-based Evolutions now Evolve using the Sun or Moon Stone.
Boldore Evolves into Gigalith: Level up to 42
Charjabug Evolves into Vikavolt: Thunder Stone**
Clamperl Evolves into Gorebyss: Dawn Stone or level up while holding a Deep Sea Scale
Clamperl Evolves into Huntail: Dusk Stone or level up while holding a Deep Sea Tooth
Cosmoem Evolves into Solgaleo: Sun Stone*
Cosmoem Evolves into Lunala: Moon Stone*
Crabrawler Evolves into Crabominable: Ice Stone**
Dusclops Evolves into Dusknoir: Level up while holding a Reaper Cloth at night or knowing the move Pursuit
Electabuzz Evolves into Electivire: Level up to 45 or while holding an Electirizer
Feebas Evolves into Milotic: Level up while holding a Prism Scale or while knowing the move Attract
Graveler Evolves into Golem: Level up to 42 or while holding a Hard Stone
Graveler-A Evolves into Golem-A: Level up to 42 or while holding a Hard Stone
Gurdurr Evolves into Conkeldurr: Level up to 42 or while holding Fightinium Z
Haunter Evolves into Gengar: Level up to 36 at night or while holding an Iron Ball
Kadabra Evolves into Alakazam: Level up to 38 or while holding a Twisted Spoon
Karrablast Evolves into Escavalier: Level up to 35 or while holding a Shed Shell
Machoke Evolves into Machamp: Level up to 38 or while holding a Black Belt
Magmar Evolves into Magmortar: Level up to 45 or while holding a Magmarizer
Magneton Evolves into Magnezone: Level up knowing Magnet Rise or use a Thunder Stone**
Nosepass Evolves into Probopass: Level up knowing Discharge
Onix Evolves into Steelix: Level up to 40 or while holding a Metal Coat or Steelium Z
Phantump Evolves into Trevenant: Level up to 40 or while knowing the move Forest’s Curse
Poliwhirl Evolves into Politoed: Level up to 36 or while holding a King’s Rock
Porygon Evolves into Porygon2: Level up to 40 or while holding an Up-Grade
Porygon2 Evolves into Porygon-Z: Level up while holding a Dubious Disc, level up at Vast Poni Canyon, or level up knowing the move Hyper Beam
Pumpkaboo Evolves into Gourgeist: Level up to 40 or while knowing the move Trick-or-Treat
Rhydon Evolves into Rhyperior: Level up to 45 or while holding a Protector
Rockruff Evolves into Lycanroc-Midday: Level up to 25 during the day on Sun Version or use a Sun Stone*
Rockruff Evolves into Lycanroc-Midnight: Level up to 25 at night on Moon Version or Moon Stone*
Scyther Evolves into Scizor: Level up to 40 or while holding a Metal Coat or Steelium Z
Seadra Evolves into Kingdra: Level up to 42 or while holding a Dragon Scale or Dragonium Z
Shelmet Evolves into Accelgor: Level up to 35 while holding a Focus Sash
Slowpoke Evolves into Slowking: Use a Shiny Stone or level up or while holding a King’s Rock
Spritzee Evolves into Aromatisse: Level up while holding a Sachet or knowing the move Aromatherapy
Swirlix Evolves into Slurpuff: Level up while holding a Whipped Dream or knowing the move Aromatherapy
* This Pokémon will be illegal until it reaches its normal Evolution level, at which point it will be 100% legit again.
** This Pokémon will be illegal if it hasn't been leveled up at all before using the Stone; leveling it up will make it 100% legit again (assuming use of the Legit or Lite Builds).

Download Pokemon Nova Sun