Download Patched Pokemon Nameless FireRed Project Rom
Version: Alpha 1.02
Updated: February 28 2017

Name: Pokemon Nameless FireRed Project
Type: GBA
Hack of: Fire Red
Language: English
Creator: azurile13
- Physical/Special Split
- Gen IV - VI Attacks, Abilities, and Items
- Mega Evolutions
- Removed those badge stat boosts
- Expanded dex; every non-legendary Pokemon obtainable
- Hidden abilities
- 120 TMs
- OR/AS level-up movesets
- Proper forms for Pokemon like Kyurem, Arceus, Burmy, Unown, etc.
- Pokemon generation methods- Hidden Grottoes, pedometer-based Honey Trees, Swarms
- Field effects for abilities such as Synchronize, Magnet Pull, Cute Charm, Compound Eyes, Flame Body
- Dynamic dex areas to indicate swarms, roaming, and other stuff
- “Wild triggers” such as babies automatically have 3 perfect IV
- Updated non-berry oriented Pickup table
- Phone system
- Two Day-cares
- Phone notifications for eggs
- Destiny Knot, Power items, 100% Everstone, 80% slotted ability inheritance, pokeball inheritance, etc.
- Move tutors & TMs can both be inherited from either parent
- Lamarckism
- Unlimited TM uses
- Gigantic pockets
- Oval Charm, Shiny Charm
- Gen VI shiny rates
- No grinding required
- Cannot run indoors

- Encore doesn't fail even if used before a move
- Trainers mention Pokemon they don't have in their dialogue
- Can't nickname a Pokemon that's already been caught before
- Discharge targets in double battle
- Tailwind doing nothing
- Seafoam Island boulders disappearing
Bela, Chaos Rush, colcostyles, daniils, Darthatron, DoesntKnowHowToPlay, FBI Agent, Jambo51, JPAN, karatekid552, KDS, kleenexfeu, Knizz, MrDollSteak, Navenatox, Nex, Shiny Quagsire, Taの境界, tayub121, Touched, 874521
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