Download Patched Pokemon Liquid Crystal Rom
Latest version- Live Beta 3.3.00512
Updated on- September 25 2016

Download Beta 3.3.00512
MediaFireGoogle Drive
Download Beta 3.3.00511 (Older)
Google Drive
Name: Pokemon Liquid CrystalHack of: Fire Red
Language: English
Creator: linkandzelda
Pokémon: Liquid Crystal is a ROM Hack developed for the GameBoy Advanced system using FireRed V1.0 as the base ROM. It’s a complete remake of the Original Pokémon Crystal game from the GameBoy Color. The story is the same as the Original Crystal with a load of extra events and even a brand new region to explore; the Orange Islands.While playing Pokémon: Liquid Crystal you will experience the original main story from Pokémon Crystal, with additional events placed in and around it. Expect to see new evil teams, rivals, and other twists throughout.
- Updated graphics,maps and music
- Day and night system
- Includes Johto, Kanto and the Orange Islands
- Real season based weather effects
- Explore new & hidden areas
linkandzelda, Synyster Zeikku, Jambo51, Magnius, FIQ, Ray MaverickSource/Help/Screenshots
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